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hjarta jewellery ltd logo
from the heart


I wanted to ensure that whatever I created was a true reflection of me.


Hjarta (pronounced H-Yarta) means 'heart' in Swedish, as everything I create is made with love it was the perfect name for my brand.

I love creating pieces that are simple, authentic and unique, reflecting my passion for quality, my zest for life, my sense of fun with a little querkiness thrown in for good measure.


One of my best friends is Swedish and I fell in love with Scandinavia after my first visit.


The simplistic yet classic take on design, lifestyle and clean living really resonated with me.


It has become very influential in how I live my life now and is very much my spiritual home.


Memories are created in the giving and receiving of gifts, if its for you or a loved one.

I create unique pieces for unique people. 

Every piece holding a personal meaning that stands the test of time.


Hi, my name is Lisa Williams and I am a jeweller.......



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